Frequently asked questions.
How do I know if Nutrition Response Testing® is right for me?
Even with Nutrition Response Testing’s decades of experience and tens of thousands of clients, I understand that Nutrition Response Testing® is not always the right path to optimal health for everyone. During the first appointment, upon reviewing your symptoms survey, your history, and the clinical findings during your Nutrition Response Testing® evaluation, if I determine Nutrition Response Testing® is not right for you I would always tell you. If you are a Nutrition Response Testing® case then I feel nothing else will help you as much as a nutrition program designed specifically for you. Statistically 90-95% of people experiencing non optimal health can be helped by Nutrition Response Testing® should they choose to start the path to healing.
How long will it take before I feel better once on a program?
Every person is unique, making exact time predictions very difficult. Many successful cases report huge improvements in as little as 4-6 weeks. The quickest results are always from patients who follow the recommendations in their program as closely as possible.
The following is an outline of a general time frame (keep in mind this can vary depending on the health condition someone is in and how long the condition has been this way):
Fine Tuning Phase – During this phase you will be taking the initial supplement program based on your specific case while you return to the office for follow up visits to monitor your progress, your diet, and how you are feeling. This phase normally lasts 6-12 weeks and depends on the rate your body responds and your level of commitment to the program.
Healing and Observation Phase – During this phase we monitor your active organs, glands, and/or tissues to make sure everything is responding appropriately to the program. Other layers of healing commonly surface during this phase which will also be handled. This phase time frame varies from person to person, some may take longer than others. Symptoms and ill health does not happen over night. It takes time to get ill and time to get well.
Maintenance Phase – Once a more optimal health is achieved this is now maintained with a program to meet your specific needs. Some of the supplements and dietary changes we have made may stay and others may change. Coming in to be checked from time to time even once you are feeling better is ideal. Our bodies are constantly exposed to stressors and juggling a lot to maintain balance. Reducing the stress load with proper nutrition and supplementation to fill in the gaps of the diet and environment will make the world of a difference.
What supplements do you recommend?
At Breakthrough Health, LLC I utilize a wide variety of products from supplement companies including Standard Process, MediHerb, Premier Research Labs, Quicksilver Scientific, Biotics Research, CellCore Bioscience, Supreme Nutrition, Thorne, Wise Woman Herbals, Seeking Health, Enzyme Science, Transformation Enzymes, Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Body Health, Microbiome Labs, Marco Pharma, Designs for Health, Metagenics, Pure Encapsulations, Gaia Herbs, Protocol for Life Balance, Integrative Therapeutics, Vital Nutrients, BodyBio, and Nordic Naturals. These supplements include whole-food concentrates and herbals of the highest quality.